Thursday, August 25, 2016
The Labs Second Day on Medical Watch
The Labs Second Day on Medical Watch
Im down for another day today due to muscle spasms and in case I thought Laurel and Hardys behavior of taking turns laying on my legs yesterday was a fluke, they are proving today that it wasnt. Because of the spasms, I let Hardy sleep with us in bed last night instead of in his crate (which is usual). Even then, at least one of them had part of his/her body draped over my legs. And today, if theyre not outside or eating, they are continuing to take turns laying partially across me. Right now, Laurel is with me and Hardy is taking a break on his bed. Its amazing to watch them work together! Ive said this before but what Laurel and Hardy do for me really does defy belief and if I didnt see them do it; hadnt been tracking the alerting since Laurel began 4 years ago in her training journals; and didnt know that other people had seen the proof of what they do, Im not sure that I would believe! As a result, although I do think that my Labs are amazing, intelligent, and talented, I have to believe that many other dogs have the ability to alert and probably do so ... we just dont recognize it and untrain the behaviors. And that is a real shame, because the alerting has changed my life in such dramatic ways and I know it would do the same for others as well!
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