Saturday, August 27, 2016

Home remedies for Acidity

Home remedies for Acidity

Drink coconut water daily to fight acidity. Add sugar in cold water, and consume it regularly so that the level of acidity comes down immediately. The mixture of barley with honey can be taken for acidity twice daily for relief. Taking radish with or without carrots and tomatoes eliminates acidity.Taking radish with black pepper sprinkled on it at meal time improves digestion and eliminates acidity.Prop your bed up and elevate the pillow to prevent the dripping for half an hour for relief of acidity.Chew one or two cloves after meals to get relief from acidity.Take half teaspoonful of Amla powder well mixed in two teaspoonful of pure honey thrice a day for a sure and sustained relief of acidity.To get rid of acidity;drink a glass of milk to which a pinch of soda bicarb has been added.Chew basil (Tulsi) leaves to get relief from burning and acidity.Every hour keep a small piece of jaggery in the mouth and slowly suck it. Acidity subsides.Eat raw garlic for effective cure for acidity.Consume mint juice daily to relief from acidity.In a glass of water put one teaspoon of cumin seeds and drink it with meals.To reduce acidity, eat fruits like watermelon, banana and cucumber.Consume white vinegar one or two teaspoonful with meals, it is good home remedy to control the acidity.Eat bitter gourd frequently to get rid of acidity.Dont get annoyed if you get acidity, read all these home remedies given above and consume it accordingly you will get rid permanently from acidity.

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