Monday, September 26, 2016



New glasses and gap
One of Matthews top middle teeth fell out yesterday in breakfast club.  It has been wobbling for a while, and had moved across his mouth so much that a gap had formed making it look like hed lost his tooth before he actually had.  Now he has an even larger gap.  This time, after the tooth fairy called, Matthew recognised that he had not just a coin, but one pound.

After making a promising start in year 1, Matthew couldnt retain his high scores in his spelling test this week, getting only 3/5.  He was very disappointed as he believed he had got them all right.  Hes doing well with his reading, though, and has now completed the first series of books which he started in Reception.  Some of his friends in year 2 have not yet managed to do this.  

For homework this week, hes been asked to copy sentences but to also use correct punctuation.  This is the first time hes been asked to do anything with punctuation - up until now the focus has been on forming letters and words, and spelling.  Matthew thought this seemed hard - he is struggling to understand that homework isnt necessarily something that is really easy that can be done straight away, and that learning actually involves making mistakes.  

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