Sunday, December 25, 2016
Twin sisters make it to the Miss Korea finals for the first time in contest history
Twin sisters make it to the Miss Korea finals for the first time in contest history
Article: Twin sisters make it to Miss Korea finals... first time in contest history
Source: Yonhap News via Naver
1. [+109, -15] Theyre both pretty
2. [+83, -9] Despite being fraternal twins, theyre both pretty. Cant fool blood.
3. [+83, -12] All of the ajusshies in their thirties and forties are in here~~~ whoever at Naver implemented comment analytics should get an award ????????????? its hilarious looking at it
4. [+75, -12] Ajusshis hard at work in this article ??
5. [+53, -15] Their parents must be doubly proud~!!
6. [+16, -5] Ewww all the commenters are men in their thirties and forties in here
7. [+12, -5] I wonder what their parents look like for both fraternal twins to be this pretty
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