Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week 31

Week 31

Week 31:

  • This week our handsome baby boy is the size of a pineapple! I sure can feel him move ALL the time! Sometimes Kason even sees my belly moving and we both just look at each other with big wide eyes! 
  • Saturday, was the baby shower down in Bunkerville. My mom, Natilyn, Chianne, and Kara did such a great job putting it together. There were so many nice people who came and my car was filled to the max with things for Wrekker! The diaper raffle was a huge success! We have a whole entire closet and drawer full of diapers! I hope they last longer than they probably actually will ha ha ha.
  • Monday, we went to dinner at Pancho and Leftys and then went to help Kelton mow grandpas lawn. Kelli and I ran some errands and went to Target while the boys worked. 
  • I know this is gross to put on my public blog... But Im like 99.9% sure I lost my mucous plug today and Im hoping this cute boy really isnt that ready to come out just yet!
  • Thursday, we went to our Dr. Appointment and I told them I had been having pretty uncomfortable contractions lately after school and that I know he is turned head down because I have so much pressure! They had me do a few tests and then took us in for an ultrasound. They couldnt even do it over my belly because Wrekker is so low on my cervix that they cant see anything! So they did an internal ultrasound and told us that he really was super low and the reason I felt like I was holding him in at times.. Is because I basically am! Ha ha ha he told us to try and go 4 more weeks and we would assess it then, but if I felt too uncomfortable to come right in! I just want to get to a week that is safe to have him and then he can come at any time! :) 

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