Monday, October 31, 2016

TV Same Bed Different Dreams High school student with an obsession for sexy clothing

TV Same Bed Different Dreams High school student with an obsession for sexy clothing

Article: Same Bed Different Dreams Daughter obsessed with revealing outfits shocks studio with skin exposure top and bottom

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+503, -32] I remember there used to be the saying that prostitutes used to dress to look like college students but now its college students who dress to look like prostitutes. Seems accurate.

2. [+438, -27] Her moms tough on her but she really does show too much skin... I know that at her age she wants to look pretty and all but shes going to regret it later... Considering how dangerous the world is lately, she should tone it down..

3. [+357, -34] Girls with pretty faces get attention without having to show skin like this so they dont do it. Its always the people who only get attention through showing skin that continue to dress like this because they crave that attention and lose self esteem when they dont get it. Men of course like women with good bodies but not women who show it off excessively like this ??? Theyre just eye candy to them. They wouldnt want their own girlfriend dressing like that and would cover them up ???

4. [+46, -2] Shes not a prostitute but a minor so whats she doing dressed like that? Tsk tsk. People always argue that the way you dress has nothing to do with sex crimes but I doubt any of you would let your little sister or family member go out and about dressed like that too

5. [+41, -0] To all you junior high school, high school girls who copy celebrities... please dont mistake stage outfits for regular every day clothes.

6. [+38, -8] Shes still a minor, she should tone it down. Shes not a celebrity where this is appropriate. What a mess..

7. [+30, -2] Shes sadly mistaken if she thinks the attention she gets for being dressed liket his is anything positive. A student should look her age instead of trying to awkwardly look like an adult. She doesnt look pretty or cool at all. Any man who looks at her wouldnt think she looked pretty for dressing like that, tsk tsk.

8. [+28, -2] Sad part is that she isnt even pretty. She only looks half decent because shes showing that much skin.


Article: Same Bed Different Dreams Female high school student who enjoys showing skin confidently says, "I wear what I want to wear"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+113, -8] She has a great body and a unique look but I think she wants respect for her individuality. I highly doubt shell change her clothes style at all. However, I do think she should listen to her mother and stop wearing clothes that show off cleavage or her butt cheeks... She has a great enough body that can be shown off even in clothes that cover her up more.

2. [+107, -4] I get where shes coming from. Shes maturing and her bodys filling out so its cool to see sexier clothes fitting and all the attention shes getting for it but in the end, it seems more like an issue with her self esteem. She needs to love herself to gain confidence. No one will believe shes a confident person for walking around with her skin showing like that. Her mother isnt wrong, she isnt nagging when she tells her to cover up her legs at church.

3. [+94, -5] I agree with Seo Jang Hoon. She doesnt look cool at all, just like a little kid wearing her moms clothes and shoes. I get that she has her own style but theres a limit to everything in life.

4. [+17, -1] If she really was confident in her looks, she wouldnt feel the need to show off so much skin like this. People will recognize your beauty whether you show it off or not. Her style is no where appropriate for a high school student...

5. [+16, -0] I dont think shell ever change her style. And I bet shell 100% get plastic surgery after seeing how her face looks on TV.


Article: Same Bed Different Dreams to learn from Hyunas confidence

Source: Daum

1. [+745, -21] Kids copy every single action of idols... even elementary school students wear revealing clothes, make up, and do sexy dances. Idols, its all your fault and your agencys fault that this is happening...

2. [+610, -19] I wonder if these kids know that even idols dont dress like this because they want to

3. [+462, -8] Had no idea she was a high school student with the way she was dressing

4. [+199, -12] I hope Hyuna feels a sense of responsibility with junior/high school students copying the way she dresses on stage. I know that she claims its just a concept or a character for her but still.

5. [+185, -7] Dont these students see countless celebrities who get popular for showing skin regret it later and cry about it on TV shows?


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