Saturday, December 24, 2016
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July!
Brent drove up to visit us on Friday, July 2nd. We took Laurel and Hardy swimming on Saturday. Now that Laurel has started swimming, she has become obsessed with it (not a big surprise to anyone who knows her). At first, she is so excited, she swims like a motorboat - with her butt way down in the water and her front end up and out of it. Its not real pretty but when she relaxes and swims like a Lab, its such a lovely thing to see ... she gets that goofy Lab look on her face and you can see thats what shes meant to be doing. And, again, Hardy ran right into the water and swam a big circle around before coming back onto the shore to eat goose poop. Hes 12 weeks old now and its nice to see that he has his priorities all set. Also, although there is a tremendous amount of their poop there, we realize that we have never seen geese at the lake. Do they come at night or is all this the result of fly-overs? We had local corn on the cob ... best corn Ive had in years and years!
Yesterday (Sunday, the 4th), we did the first session of puppy class again ... seeing the new puppies is always fun! Then, we went on the off lead puppy walk. Unfortunately, Hardy was the only puppy to show up so the instructor brought her dog along with us. We had a great time walking around Marden Lake and Hardy did his usual swim in a circle to prove that he can before heading back to the goose poop covered shore. Then, oddly, since we didnt see any fireworks on Canada Day, there were some around us last night!?

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